Statistical analysis of the law on intelligence

Edward Sowden in 2013
Edward Snowden in 2013 – screen shot from the movie Citizenfour (2014, Laura Poitras, Praxis Films) under licence Creative Commons BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

You probably have notice that the public debate has been recently dominated by security issues – at least, it has been the case in France. The attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015 participated in putting this subject as one of the most debated. Yet, if the need to take some measures, probably real, is often stressed out, my impression, indeed not supported by a comprehensive study, is that the question of the effectiveness of these measures generally do not arise. However, even if it takes a bit to have the necessary perspective to assess the question of effectiveness, it is generally possible to carry out an a priori study.

Let take as an example the law on intelligence, promulgated in France on July 24, 2015 and which I have assess repeatedly, with a vue from here. Though we have to wait to judge its proven effects, a first assessment can been done using some simple statistics. This article was inspired by another one, published in the journal La Recherche in November 20151Claude Castelluccia and Daniel Le Métayer, 2015. Les failles de la loi sur le renseignement, La Recherche n° 505, pp. 61 – 65.. Our conclusions are compatible.

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1 Claude Castelluccia and Daniel Le Métayer, 2015. Les failles de la loi sur le renseignement, La Recherche n° 505, pp. 61 – 65.

Epilogue concerning the law on intelligence

On Thursday, July 23, 2015, the French Constitutional Council endorsed the major parts of the law on intelligence. It also has considered the part concerning intelligence on the Internet of the military planning law adequate for the protection of privacy. Yet, few hours earlier, the un Committee for the Human Rights had expressed concerns about the law on intelligence.

Three articles were censored, but the majority of the new law is validated. In particular, the black boxes have been validated, despite the questions they raise.

Here is the epilogue to a subject repeatedly discussed in this blog. That said, a future law can always improve balances in the law. Hopefully this will be the case, based on a rigorous examination of the consequences of this law.

An update about the bill on intelligence

The draft law on intelligence, which I have mentioned here and there, was approved with a large majority by the French National Assembly and the French Senate. This is despite the inria has produced a very critical note towards it, adding to the long list of reasoned criticisms of this law that I have already mentioned elsewhere. Now, the French Constitutional Council must assess the law. As far as I am concern, I hope that the question of balance between surveillance and democratic control will arise.

Continue reading An update about the bill on intelligence

Do not worry, the prime-minister is looking over!

We, the French, did not miss the opportunity to mock the United States of America, which, after 11 September 2001, have sunk into an all-out monitoring policy. Fortunately, the French, much smarter than the Americans, are immune to this kind of mislead. Political responses to the terrorist attacks of 7 to 9 January 2015 in Paris is an opportunity to prove it ...

Oh! The following warning is needed: French people do not use “not” when being ironic. You will have to do with it. By the way, I am glad you are reading my blog.

There it is, the subject of my first entry to this blog. I wish it was not this one. Unfortunately, given the current situation, it may become a recurring topic for these pages.

Continue reading Do not worry, the prime-minister is looking over!