You probably have notice that the public debate has been recently dominated by security issues – at least, it has been the case in France. The attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015 participated in putting this subject as one of the most debated. Yet, if the need to take some measures, probably real, is often stressed out, my impression, indeed not supported by a comprehensive study, is that the question of the effectiveness of these measures generally do not arise. However, even if it takes a bit to have the necessary perspective to assess the question of effectiveness, it is generally possible to carry out an a priori study.
Let take as an example the law on intelligence, promulgated in France on July 24, 2015 and which I have assess repeatedly, with a vue from here. Though we have to wait to judge its proven effects, a first assessment can been done using some simple statistics. This article was inspired by another one, published in the journal La Recherche in November 20151Claude Castelluccia and Daniel Le Métayer, 2015. Les failles de la loi sur le renseignement, La Recherche n° 505, pp. 61 – 65.. Our conclusions are compatible.
Continue reading Statistical analysis of the law on intelligence
↑1 | Claude Castelluccia and Daniel Le Métayer, 2015. Les failles de la loi sur le renseignement, La Recherche n° 505, pp. 61 – 65. |