
Sunrise in French Guyana

Because of my profession, I am to move from one country to another, living some times here, then there. At least, it opens you a wider point of view.

Indeed, what to think about all the restlessness, when it is view from here?

When I was a student, I was interested in applied mathematics (mainly mathematical modelling on computers) and theoretical computer science (especially what concerns calculations). Since my thesis, I applied them to physical oceanography. Specifically, I use computer to reproduce the dynamics of oceans. A strong theme on which I am working is the interaction between major rivers (the Amazon and the Congo) and the ocean. I also worked on surge episodes – that is to say, when tide and storm come together –, as part of adaptation to climate change. I have also many other interests, I intend to share here!

Therefore, this website will serve to give some exposure to my cultural activities, but especially to present my scientific work and discuss the misuse of science and mathematics. You will find here my resume, some personal creations, and the inevitable blog where the pearly delicacy of the style vies with the brilliance of the rigorous analysis – a barrel of distinguished considerations if you find from where this hilarious cultural allusion comes from (be careful, it is a French one). I wish you a good surf in here, hoping you will come over and over again. To this end, you can subscribe to email notifications from the navigation area or to my RSS feeds. It is easier than asking for friendship on Facebook!

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  • Except for comments (which remain the intellectual propriety of their respective authors) and unless otherwise noted, every text and further media present on this website are the intellectual propriety of Yoann Le Bars.
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